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by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
& Adam Loften

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In 1968, three NASA astronauts became the first humans to leave Earth’s orbit and travel to the Moon. This mission is known as Apollo 8.

Frank Borman, James Lovell and Bill Anders were the first human beings to view the whole Earth from space.

Frank Borman
Frank Borman
Frank Borman & Jim Lovell

The photographs of the Earth captured during the Apollo space program are some of the most reproduced images in history.

Fifty years later the Apollo 8 astronauts reflect on the impact of the photograph and their experience…

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  • Director & Producer

    Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee

    Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee is an Emmy nominated filmmaker and composer. His award-winning films have been featured on PBS, National Geographic, the New York Times, the New Yorker, and the Atlantic, exhibited at the Smithsonian, and screened at festivals worldwide. He is the executive editor of Emergence Magazine.

  • Producer

    Adam Loften

    Adam Loften is a director, editor, cinematographer, and producer of short documentary films that highlight pressing social and environmental issues. His work has been featured on PBS, National Geographic, the Atlantic, and the New York Times.

  • Experience Design

    Studio Airport

    Studio Airport is Bram Broerse and Maurits Wouters. Together with a small team of creatives, they run a design practice based in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The studio has been recognized with international awards for projects such as Hart Island Project (New York), Amsterdam Art Council, and Greenpeace International.

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